Do you often forget a person’s name minutes after meeting them? Are you easily distracted?
In the digital age we now live in, it can be difficult to stay focused. According to a Microsoft study, people now have a shorter attention span than a goldfish! Whereas a goldfish can maintain its focus for nine seconds, humans begin to lose concentration after eight seconds. Besides all the digital distractions, there may be other factors contributing to our lack of concentration. Poor nutrition, inadequate sleep and dehydration may be just some of the reasons why your mental focus is less sharp. To improve your mental clarity, begin by making positive improvements in your diet, be sure that you are getting enough sleep and drink more water.
Beyond those obvious basic recommendations, here are some more tips to help you regain your focus:
Minimize Distractions. When you really need to concentrate, create a calm, quiet environment. Turn off the TV, mute cell phone notifications and ask that those around you do not disturb you. If necessary, go somewhere you know you will not be disturbed in a quiet space.
Stop Multitasking. Although it may seem like multitasking is an awesome way to get a lot done, it often turns out that all those tasks are not being done well. Try honing on a single task at a time; the spotlight that you shine on each individual task can help you achieve better results.
Live in the Present. It can be difficult to concentrate if you are re-living the past or worrying about the future. “Being present” is key to keeping your attention sharp.
Exercise. Engaging in at least 30 minutes of physical activity has been shown to improve concentration and improve mental health. Whether it’s a workout at the gym or a jog around the block, any exercise can help your focus.